Did you take the time this week to stop and enjoy the beautiful flowers that are starting to bloom this time of year? Or those first warm rays of sunshine?
Now let's compare those blooming flowers and rays of sunshine with the people that crossed your path this week.
How many times did you stop to observe all the things they were busy with and admire them for what they were doing?
And if you did, did you also give those people a token of appreciation? A smile, a compliment or a thank you?
More often than not, people admit to me that they have been rushing through their hectic weeks and simply didn't find or take the time to do so.
And that's a pity! Because taking the time to appreciate the people that cross your path increases your well-being, improves your performance, helps you build powerful relationships and gives you a greater sense of fulfilment in life …
Over the years, experience has taught me that being able to notice all the beauty in this crazy and hyper-connected world is simply a matter of creating a different state of mind - a state of feeling fully alive, of learning to express your appreciation and of building great relationships so you can draw that dynamic energy in to your daily life.
You see, being an entrepreneur, I deal with tremendous challenges - day in, day out. And in order to be able to do so, I learned that it is very important to be fully energetic so that I can be there for my employees, for my customers and for my family. I learned how important it is to invest in building strong, enjoyable and advantageous relationships, so that I am fuelled with that energy - day in, day out.
Indeed: one of the most valuable lessons I learned is that it is only by constantly working on those relationships that I am able to achieve more and book success, in all fields of life!
That is why I would like to share with you my 3 top tips to connect with the people around you, build amazingly strong relationships and feel totally fuelled yourself.
1. Learn how to unplug - a little digital detox.
To be able to fully experience the world and the people around us, we first have to be able to free ourselves from the distractions that are constantly begging for our attention. The ever-increasing creep of technology - not only into our work-environment but also into our families and into our lives in general - makes it much harder for us to stop for a moment and admire the beauty people carry within them, the beauty of life as a whole.
Our brains are naturally wired to connect, which is why it is far from easy for us to turn away from stimuli like smartphones or other portable devices. It is important to realise, however, that the connection that comes from technology is often an unfulfilling, ersatz version of connection. At the end of the day, it remains very superficial. Worse: our constant focus on our devices prevents us from having the time and energy to make real human connections and - if we let it - may even prevent us from developing the skills necessary to be able to truly connect to others.
That is why it is so important to unplug on a regular basis, and make the time and effort to impress people with face-to-face interactions - just like the old days.
Dale Carnegie, who in 1936 wrote the best-seller "How to Win Friends and Influence People", laid down some very simple rules of interaction, one of the most important ones being "communicating in an appreciative way". And even now, 81 years later, this truth still stands!
So, first of all, I highly recommend you unplug once in a while - it will do you tremendous good, and will be an invaluable stepping stone for building strong and meaningful relationships.
2. Invest in yourself
Being fully alive means that you feel good about yourself. It means that you radiate energy. It means that you are enthusiastic about spending quality time with others.
And the more fully alive you feel, the more love and energy you will draw into your life. It simply becomes an upward spiral!
"Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back."
What this really means is that in order to be able to have that feeling of being fully alive - to experience true happiness and receive more love and energy - you need to 'give' first. And you can only 'give' something if you have something to give - if you generate some 'magic' inside of yourself.
Which is why it is so crucial to take care of yourself and to invest in yourself! Because the better people take care of themselves, the more effective they become in taking care of others - their co-workers, their families, their communities. You cannot give appreciation or love if you don't value or love yourself. You cannot respect somebody else if you don't respect yourself. It is as simple as that!
So, second of all, I highly recommend you spend time and effort working on yourself. Try to make the most out of your physical, mental and spiritual health, and see how much more effective you'll become in building strong relationships!
3. Stop and take the time to admire those beautiful flowers that line your path
Learn to appreciate life by taking the time it takes to do so. By slowing down. By actively trying to be in the moment.
Don't let your busyness get in the way!
Because once you succeed in being able to slow down once in a while, it will become so much easier for you to not only look for but also see the good in people - to discover it and to value it.
Therefore, third of all, I highly recommend you try to live a little less from the head and a little more from the heart. Great sales skills, great customer service, great friendships, great leadership and great family and co-worker relationships, all come primarily from the heart!
In a nutshell:
the relationships we create in life play a pivotal role and are absolutely critical for our overall success.What we see is in today's world is that people tend to have much more difficulty to connect from heart to heart, even though 80% of life's satisfaction and happiness comes from meaningful relationships (Brian Tracy). And that is why if you want to grow into a happy, healthy and successful person, your first priority should be to 'reinforce your relationships'. It will make a world of difference - both to you, and to those around you!
Good luck.
Nathalie Arteel
Leading Angel at the Arteel Group
Motivational Expert